Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Christmas Gift

I know, I know. All of us are getting emails, messages, cards to remind us of the true spirit of Christmas. Maybe this post is one more thing to add to that list, maybe it isn't.

I'm not going to tell you not to go out shopping crazily for the season, after all, it's the season of giving, of joy and hell yeah gifts are cool and make us happy!
Today, I found myself on  digging after what I wanted to buy for myself,  because it's been a long year of school and work, why not spend my Christmas bonus with a happy ending?

Whatever way we choose to celebrate Christmas, let's not forget the greatest gift of all - I know, sounds cliché, but truth is what it is. The gift that won't get old, that will always fit, that we can use it anytime and anywhere, the gift of love. In this season specially, the love of Christ and all the joy His birth brought to the world.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to watch the Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert, featuring David Archuleta and Michael York. Yeah, I could probably save words because you already know it was amazing! Gotta love Christmas songs =)

This video is not from this year's concert, it's from last year.. But this organ solo is sick! Haha.. Richard Elliott rocks my Christmas world, for sure. Enjoy!

By the way, I couldn't find anything on that I wanted for Christmas. All that I've wanted, I wouldn't be able to find there anyway. Leaving all my consumerist behind, I just wanted to be home for Christmas.. "if only in my dreams".


  1. Uau! Fantástico o solo!

    É incrível ver uma ocasião tão pomposa, um músico de aspecto tão austero, um órgão tão imponente... tocando musiquinhas tão bonitinhas, de Natal, para crianças! haha Sensacional!

  2. Ah é verdade, meu amor!
    Ano passado a gente estava fazendo a festa aí no Walmart com o outro bonus haha, mas vc acha já já uns mimos pra ti.
    É triste ver como as pessoas estão tão vazias de amor, confundem amor com outros sentimentos e empregam energia em tanta coisa sem importância e as nobres vão ficando cada vez mais distante...
    Um bejo grande grande e cheio de AMOR, da gente, que ama e ama de verdade e pra sempre!
